The club pond is for MEMBERS’ use only. We stock our own trout throughout the year at times determined by water temperature. The pond supports bass, catfish, sunfish, bluegills, frogs, turtles and snakes. The Children’s Fishing Derby is held in the spring. Each year we contract a environmental consultant to treat the pond for algae and weeds.
1. All Pennsylvania fishing laws apply. Fishing license is required.
2. A limit of 3 trout per day per person is imposed. Maximum two (2) rods per person.
3. Bass are catch and release only.
4. Algae eating carp were purchased to help control weed growth. Carefully release any carp hooked.
5. Fishing with bow & arrow is prohibited.
6. No swimming or boating.
7. Ice Fishing at your own risk. Leave nothing on the ice.
8. No littering, use trash containers provided.
9. Use caution. Keep Off the overflow grate and inlet wall (dam)
10. Some portions of the pond bank drop off sharply when areas are slippery—use caution!
11. Obey posted pond closings.
12. Fishing in the club pond is for members only.

THANKS to Ron Weaver and Eberly Lumber for plowing the fish nursery twice.
Recently the Fish and Boat Commission implemented new regulations concerning Trout Nursery Co-Ops. There has been issues the last several years with Co-Ops buying trout with Gill Lice. So starting this year Co-Ops are NOT allowed to have bought fish in their raceways. Our club buys fish every year to stock the club pond. We are not allowed to put fish we receive from the State in areas that are private or posted No Trespassing. We have never had issues with Gill Lice. We buy our fish from a hatchery in Newville and have been doing so for over 15 years. The club decided that in the interests of our members we would drop out of the Co-Op program and continue to buy fish to stock the club pond. So next year we will NOT be stocking the local streams ( Trindle Springs, Hogestown Run, and Yellow Breeches). Our nursery was in the Co-Op program for over 40 years and it is very sad that it has come to this conclusion. The Fish and Boat Commission Co-Op program manager told me if there are any changes to these regulations he would contact us to see if we wanted to rejoin the program. If anyone has any questions or concerns you can contact me through the information on our website.
Thank You,
Dave Eakin
Fish Nursery Manager
Club pond closed one week before Opening of trout season and
One week before Kids Fishing Derby
Meet at the Fish Nursery for stockings.
Dave Eakin 717- 448- 3892 or Rusty Garner 717- 760- 9030